Shit Entrepreneurs Say
It takes a special kind of person to be an entrepreneur. An entrepreneur exudes confidence and is by nature highly motivated. The results can be inspiring, producing some of the greatest inventions...
It takes a special kind of person to be an entrepreneur. An entrepreneur exudes confidence and is by nature highly motivated. The results can be inspiring, producing some of the greatest inventions...
Instagram launched as an iPhone app but soon after Facebook acquired it at a price of whooping $1...
[youtube id="dRLXRQSv4dA" width="600" height="340" position="left"] In 1999, Lawrence Gentilello...
“Acqhires” — where larger tech companies make deals to absorb young companies for their...
Laptop Magazine may know which computers are great now, but they also have their head in the...
DownThemAll (or dTa) is a free Mozilla Firefox extension. It is essentially a download manager,...
[youtube id="pMas0tWc0sg" width="600" height="340" position="left"] Kim Dotcom, founder...
What happens to Foursquare? As long as it’s just another app to check, it doesn’t have much...
A fair number of companies that read our product reviews tell me that they take our criticism to...
Normally, losing home page placement for an app on the iPhone and iPad would cause gnashing of...