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 So startup folks or peeps who are willing to startup, here is the thing, ‘You are entering into a battlefield, with endless possibilities of Attacks on you, and disasters!’, but if you have the proper weapon with you, you can actually start good and dominate later in your region.

Disclaimer : I am not being paid by the following Software’s or tools, i am sharing it just for your information.!
1. The Kevlar Jacket (Photoshop):  This will help you a lot. No matter what business you are in, no matter who your customers are, but if your brand is not appealing to them, if it doesn’t excites them, you will have a very hard time finding customers. An Amazingly designed content always catches the eye and so will your brand and its content (Eventually your service)! No doubt you will need a good designer (If its a Lean Startup, DIY)!
2. The M4A1 – Meverick Rifle (MS-Office):  No battle can be fought with this. No matter how much you may try to criticize these software’s, they are actually very important and saves your lot of time and efforts. MS-Office is just like the Mevrick rifle without which, facing and killing the opponent will be a next to impossible task (Unless you are The Bruce Lee).
Word Doc for a concept note, PPT for investors, excel sheets to track the progress of the tasks assigned to your team members. You might feel that its pretty traditional to use all these (I thought the same way when I started), But trust me, in meantime you will realize its importance.
3. The Ammo (Code Editor Or Compiler): Without ammo, its hard to last for a long time in the battle. If a Web startup, you must choose a best fit for you type code editor and programming software. Choose the language and platform wisely as it is very important. @ mYwindow we are entirely built on Asp.Net (Though people crave for opensource, we moved ahead with whatever we had, coz in our city we were facing a hard time finding Php guys. So,we took the decision). For Android and iOS the Proper IDE and X code editor is needed.
4. A Wireless Transmitter (Work Flow management soft): I will recommend Asana. A web app to manage all the tasks to all your team mates and also helps you to keep the track of your operations. As a startup you must have all your task managed through such and app.
5. An Assistant (Google & Quora) : The perfect companion for your journey. Its will have almost all the answers to your questions in this journey.
 There is a lot that you will see, experience and learn in the startup journey of yours! If you Want you can surely share it with me anytime by  tweeting me @veermishra0803 or emailing me at
Have a Great fight & break a leg. Off you go!


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