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RevStart, promoted by Ishan Singh and a leading co-working and incubation centre based out of Noida will be organizing Techstars Start-up Weekend Noida – a 54 hours Start-up weekend, from March 8 to 10, where participants will learn from mentors how to take an idea to a business and get funded.

TechStars Start-up Weekends are weekend-long, hands-on experiences where entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs can validate their start-up ideas and learn to turn them into a real business. On an average, half of Start-up Weekend’s attendees have technical or design backgrounds, the other half have business backgrounds. It’s a great opportunity for those looking for co-founders or to work in a startup. Mentors include subject matter experts, recently funded founders and experienced investors.

Happening on 8 – 10th March’19, the event kicks off at 5 pm on Friday with a Keynote by Sanjiv Bikchandani, one of the most successful entrepreneurs in India founder of Info Edge (the first Dot Com IPO) sharing his journey as an entrepreneur and a successful investor. This will be followed by open mic pitches, where attendees get one minute to introduce themselves, pitch their idea, and name their task.

On Saturday, teams will start working with mentors on their business plan, validating their ideas, practicing Lean Start-up Methodologies and building a minimal viable product. On Sunday, there will be a Pitch Clinic to prepare for the final presentations. Participants will present the plan to marquee judges like Girish Shivani – Yournest, Padmaja Ruparel – IAN, and Shailesh Vikram – Massive Fund, receiving valuable feedback, potential funding, which can also include access to RevStart’s Incubation Programme.

Ishan Singh- Founder, Revstart Incubation Center says “I have been a part of the entrepreneurial ecosystem since 1998, built and exited from businesses in India and the US. Techstars have given us a globally recognised format to organize Start-up weekend Noida and I am grateful to my friends from the ecosystem.”



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