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Flipkart’s is a simple online payment gateway solution where a user can save his card details on his payzippy account and use the same details at various merchant sites for purchasing of products or services, this helps the user and merchant both by reducing the transaction time and errors.

PayZippy ensures of using the best encryption technology for saving user’s card information and their payment systems have already passed stringent security audits like PCI DSS (Payment Card Inductry Data Security Standards). Its supports mobile payments and International Payments as well.

At present PayZippy has launched only for merchants only, perfect entrereneurs approach. Let the Merchants adopt and get hands of it first, so as when the consumers start using, it will be a smooth working operative solution for the merchant and the users.

When they’ll launch for the consumers, you can use either your email id or mobile no. and create a secure password, that’s all that will be neede to create a secure payzippy account.

The beautiful part is that the Pricing is kept fairly simply and transparent, which we couldn’t find on other payment gateway solutions provider.

payzippy transaction pricing

If you still want some more details and information, you can get in touch with PayZippy’s on the Contact Details mentioned below:

Phone: +91 9342061477




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