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Espacio Incubator has announced the launch of ActitudFem, a publication dedicated to women, offering the best content for the different interests of women. By launching ActitudFem, Espacio aims to offer a site completely dedicated to the female community, generating valuable content, such as day to day tips and much more for women.

Whether it is healthy eating, beauty, or places to have a good time, ActitudFem will cater to all interests of women from all ages and walks of life. The website will also feature tips and tricks for home and day to day, along with an entertainment section that will comprise the best of music, art, and lifestyle, all in one place. Check out its facebook page.

Even as women remain the axis of transformation among the sustainable development goals of the United Nations, several organizations have chosen Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to promote the empowerment of women, generating a great social impact.

According to surveys, 42% of women say they use the internet only for things they consider really useful, such as listening to interesting radio topics or watching videos of interest. On the other hand, 26% are leaders who take advantage of the network to share their ideas and generate an impact on others. The internet being a great space to nurture knowledge, 17% of women surveyed consider the web to be the main source of information in the modern world.

ActitudFem was created to satisfy all these feminine needs. It is the best content in a single place, whether it is entertainment or advice and information for skin and body care. ActitudFem offers useful tips for their readers to enable them to find their full potential on a day-to-day basis.

“ActitudFem is a women’s space for women. It is a place where different interests can merge and all the information pertaining to different tastes: beauty, fashion, lifestyle, music, food, home, experiences, and other topics. This information becomes even more valuable when it is treated amongst women,” said Alejandra Marín, who will be the editor of ActitudFem.

Editor Alejandra Marín and writer Jennifer Espinosa.

This new launch of Espacio is part of a series of projects in which the Incubator is working, aiming to promote communication and content generation, entrepreneurship, acceleration, and growth of new companies in Latin America and the Caribbean world.


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