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It’s never easy being a startup in today’s hyper-competitive business environment. Startups might have the revolutionary ideas and the talent to change the world, but they usually lack the resources to compete effectively with established companies. That’s the reason why startups run shoestring operations and look to minimize expenses in non-critical areas. However, while a startup might be able to reduce its expenses in several areas, there are some business operations where it has to be even more proactive. One of these is, of course, developing your product or service. But equally vital is making sure prospective clients, customers, and of course, investors are able to reach you.

For small businesses, this poses a dilemma – How do you stay connected and available without spending a lot on dedicated phone and fax equipment, connections, and of course, staff? Do you go in for traditional and expensive business telephony solutions? Or do you ignore this aspect of doing business and risk losing sales leads and investment?

Luckily, there’s another option! Cloud telephony pioneers Knowlarity have come up with a business call management solution that’s perfect for startups who’d like to streamline their communications without paying a bundle. SuperReceptionist, which uses Knowlarity’s Knowlus Cloud Telephony platform and is hosted on Amazon’s super-reliable cloud services, is perhaps the ultimate call-handling system for new and upcoming businesses that need to be connected with prospective clients and customers.


With features like personalized welcome messages, multiple extensions, automatic routing and call transfer, voice mail, call recording, conferencing, click-to-call, Fax-to-Email, and the option to choose toll-free or vanity numbers, SuperReceptionist allows even small businesses to provide a highly-professional point-of-contact. You can even increase your accessibility by choosing local numbers from India, the US, UK, New Zealand, and Australia – giving your business a local footprint no matter where you operate from! And all this comes without the costs of expensive phone equipment, power backups, and out-of-hours monitoring – you Pay-As-You-Go with SuperReceptionist and don’t need to worry about infrastructure!

A startup or other small and upcoming business enterprise must maximize its resources and efficiency to compete with the bigger players who have the luxury of just defending their leadership. For a startup, there’s no way complacency works and being proactive and focused is essential – especially in its efforts to acquire new customers and clients. SuperReceptionist gives businesses across the world access to affordable business telephony by leveraging the power of the cloud – Whether you’re a startup from India, or from the US, you can choose your own dedicated local number and run a seamless, highly-professional call management system that lets you compete effectively!

About The Author

bipul-paruaBipul Parua is a pragmatic architect at heart. Bipul,Co-founder and CTO helped take Knowlarity to the next level by building a scalable and reliable telephony platform that can withstand fluctuating demands of thousands of SME and enterprise customers. He is the voice of core technology in the company. He worked in Silicon Valley designing hardware and software for Cisco, EFI, and ServerEngines. Bipul holds a bachelor degree in computer science from IIT – Kanpur. You can reach him at


Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. 


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