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Apple could be making a mistake if it releases a smaller “iPad mini” alongside the new iPhone this fall, because according to a recent survey conducted by a leading coupon code site, nearly 80% of Americans will shun the tiny tablet in favor of the smartphone.


Apple’s existing iPad and iPhone refreshes are well spaced, with the former traditionally updated every March, and the latter updated every fall. That’s possibly the reason why the Cupertino company shifted iPhone launches from June — to provide a larger gap. If the devices launched together, it’s likely most people could only afford one of them, which could have a huge impact on early sales.

That’s what might happen to the iPad mini if it does indeed launch alongside the sixth-generation iPhone. According to a survey of 1,873 Americans conducted by, 78% of people said that they are likely to leave the iPad mini and pick up the new iPhone instead. 77% of those people said that already owned an iPhone already.

When asked why the iPhone would be their preferred choice, 46% of people said the iPad mini was “pointless,” while 39% said that they would simply use the new iPhone more.

52% of those who said they would prefer the iPad mini over the new iPhone already owned an iPad. 69% of them said that the reason for their decision was that the new iPhone wouldn’t be all that different to the iPhone 4S.

Interestingly, 41% of respondents said that Apple should follow the current “mini tablet” trend, and that it shouldn’t release an iPad mini at all.

Of the 1,873 people included in the survey, CouponCodes4u notes that 76% already own an Apple device of some sort. 64% of them owned an iPhone, while 39% had an iPad, and 31% had an iPod.

How do you feel about this? If Apple does release these devices together this fall, and you can only afford one, which one will it be?

Via: CultOfMac


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